Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007

The love between Ishmael and Hatsue

In the roman there are different faces of love between the American reporter Ishmael and Hatsue, a Japanese-american woman.

The first established relationship they had in school as they were kids. In this time they were good friends as far as Ishmael kissed Hatsue. In the first moment Hatsue was shocked, but she also had feelings to him. Although the Japanese culture forbade the contact between the American and the Japanese people, Hatsue and Ishmael met each other at the cedars, the secret place of them. That was also the place where they kissed the fist time. In the publicity, however, they act like exchanged people. They pretend like they didn’t know each other and that double life went on for a time.

In contrast to Ishmael Hatsue knew that their love couldn’t exist for longer time. Sooner or later Hatsue’s parents would discover the relationship and it would be a shame for the whole family. So Hatsue broke up and moved with her family to a camp for Japanese-american people due to the conflict between America and Japan.

After a while Hatsue got a new lover called Kabuo, but he wasn’t equal as Ishmael. They married and Hatsue wanted to forget Ishmael. On the contrary Ishmael developed hate against her and wrote letters with these feelings, but he never sent them away.

He had to go in the Second World War, lost an arm and became the reporter of San Piedro, where he saw Hatsue in a courtroom again. He stood in front of a great decision because he could exculpate Kabua, who was on trial for murder, with documents he found. For a long time he thought about him and probably a new chance with Hatsue. If he gave the important information to the jury they would reveal the truth, but if he kept them Kabuo would be arrested.

Finally he let his heart speak and decided to give the jury the documents, because he only wanted that Hatsue is happy.

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2007

test correction

Task 1

Dear Tobias

I saw a picture of Norman Rockwell last week, which socked me. It depicts the contrast between black and white people. On the left side there are two white men and behind them a little black girl. On the right side you can also see two men with white skin. At the top you can find the graffiti “Niggers” on the wall. You can’t see the heads of the men, but they wear a band around their arm, on which it says Demphy US Marshall. The men in front are dressed in a brown and a white suit like the men behind. In the centre the wall is dirty, because of a smashed tomato, which lies on the street.

I think the artist creates a quite extreme mood. He wants to show us that black people can never be like white people, although their character is the same. The artist is trying to convey that this conflict will affect the next generation and the next. He seems to believe that the conflict will never end. But I disagree. Our generation can solve this problem, but at the moment it doesn’t looks like this. The racists are getting more and the solidarity in our time isn’t important at all. We have to accept the people how they are: black or white, Christian or Muslim, fat or thin. Only the character of the people is important

Yours Alban

Task 2

For me pictures like this ore definitely no art. Maybe the contrast between the red shovel and the dress of the woman looks good, but you still can’t consider it art. Art must be a masterpiece which not everybody can create. Something like Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Art has to be practised for a long time. You can’t make a simple brush stroke and call it art, but a well composed photo could be called art. With photos like this the museum in which it’s exhibited or the photographer only wants to provoke. Under no circumstances would I buy such a photo. The painter should be creative and shouldn’t produce rubbish like this photo.

To sum you can’t call simple pictures art, because the maker has to have skills to make masterpieces of art

Samstag, 17. November 2007

Live after death

I think when we die everybody raises up to heaven, whatever he/she had done on earth. In my opinion there is no hell or a judgement day where we have to pay for our doings. Also bad people like murderer deserve to get up to god.

Now I’m not afraid of dieing, because my opinion and the religion help me to accept the death how he is: unavoidable. But in the older age I think I also will be afraid of dieing like the most people, because it’s normal that human beings fear foreign things like the life after death.

Finally nobody knows what’s after life. Not even the church or the religion can give us exactly answers about this topic. They only can establish theses, which satisfy our curiosity or fear of death.

Mittwoch, 26. September 2007


Dear Editor

Yesterday there was a newspaper report about the British art exhibition in New York. The row doesn’t wonder me, because the picture, which shows the Virgin Mary with elephant dung is a very risky combination. I don’t have anything against new art, but in some areas for example religion or sexuality it’s unjustifiable. Many actors believe that new art has to shock or they want to cause sensation with their brutal, erotic or abstract works. In my opinion every painter of these artworks wants to search for attention in the publicity with those shocking pictures. In your situation I would have made the same and wouldn’t allow the artist to exhibit his artwork.

Every time it will give problems with art that shocks like in your case and will get in conflict with the cultures. So stick on your opinion and be strict with scandalous painters.

Yours Alban

Dienstag, 1. Mai 2007

Thornfield Burning

It’s like a normal day at Thornfield, where I am working for my master called Mr. Rochester. He treats his servants very well and I am one of them. But the past weeks he has retired and has become very nervous. I think it’s because of his lover Mrs. Eyre. She ran away a month ago because Mr. Rochester’s wife, a mad woman, was hidden in the house. If Jane Eyre doesn’t come back he will get more and more depressed.

I get up at 6 ‘clock as usually and bring my master a cup of tea like every day and then do my work outdoors in the garden. I am cutting the shrubs, when I suddenly see flames coming out of the second floor. I run in to warn the other servants, Adele, a previous pupil of Jane Eyre, Mrs. Fairfax the manager of the house, and surely Mr. Rochester, but the fire is already raging in the 1st floor and at the top of the house. After a few minutes the heat has got unbearable and I go out to the others although I don’t know anything of my master, who is probably still in the house. Outside I see a strange woman on the roof, perhaps Mr. Rochester’s mad wife. What she is doing I ask myself. She runs to the end of the roof and jumps down, when she sees Mr. Rochester, who wants to save her. I can’t look at the woman or you better say what is left of her. Afterwards my master looses his bearings and faints a few seconds later. We take a ladder and bring him to the doctor as fast as possible, who saves his life, but can’t help his eyes, which are destroyed.

Finally I get fired, because Mr. Rochester only wants to have two servants with whom he lives in a house 30 miles away waiting for Jane Eyre.

Montag, 16. April 2007


London (SE). Bill Sikes, the most proble murderer of nancy, died in front of manyinhabitans after a persecution of the police. An inviolent person called Fagin was arersted and interragated. The missing boy oliver was also saved of after the abduction by the leader of a pickpocket gang.

Yesterday at 12 o'clock the withe dog of Bill Sikes brought the police to the hidding place, where over ten children were hidding. This children were allso members of the pickpocket gang. As the police arrived, Bill took Oliver and he escaped with him. The police and a crowed of people followed him, until he had an accident after a escape over the roofes of the houses. At teh accident he hanged himself. It was a succesfull night for the police, because they also cought Fagin, the leader of the pickpocket gang.
Oliver, who was a few weeks in captivity brought back to his stepfather Mr. Brownlow, who we interviewed: "I'm so glad that Oliver is saved. I'm sure, now that Oliver lives at me, he will have the best live that I can give him. He is like a son for me, which i've never got."
Now Oliver lives in the big house of his stepfather Mr. Brownlow, who is very rich. Oliver met Mr. Brownlow after he was charged to be member pickpocket gang, but Mr. Brownlow knew that it was not Oliver who robbed him, that it was another boy. So he came the first time to Mr. Brownlow, but then he was cought again by fagin and the pickpocket gang.
After a trial in London Fagin was arrestet for 15 years. The judges orderes that, because Fagin leaded the pickpocket gang for over 25 years. Oliver visited him after a few days.

Mittwoch, 21. März 2007


I = Interviewer

G = Gordan Steller > 25 years

At the end of the 19th century I am interviewing a worker of the biggest company in London.

I: Hello, I am a reporter of The New York Times and I am writing an article about the mass production of steel in this company. What about the human conditions at the work?

G: Hello! In my opinion we work too hard and too long. The attendants force us to work 12-14 hours a day for a few pounds. On one hand we shouldn’t work under these circumstances and I’m not the only one who thinks so, but on the other hand we need the money to buy at least a little bit bread and maybe some coffee.

I: Why don’t you rebel against these cruel, mostly rich people! Perhaps you could reach goals, for example getting more food or less work time.

G: No. That’s completely rubbish. There is no possibility to demonstrate in the street or in underground groups. As a result we would loose our urgently needed jobs. And that would be fatal, because most workers have no special abilities or education. A demonstration also could be punished with a trial or a death penalty.

I: What about the human rights? Are they of no worth here?

G: No! The employers don’t care about us! Most workers die between 30 and 40 years of age. Our children begin to word with 7 years and we have to sleep in a dump hole. No! Here are no human rights!

I: Thank you! I hope my article will change something in your position.