Samstag, 17. November 2007

Live after death

I think when we die everybody raises up to heaven, whatever he/she had done on earth. In my opinion there is no hell or a judgement day where we have to pay for our doings. Also bad people like murderer deserve to get up to god.

Now I’m not afraid of dieing, because my opinion and the religion help me to accept the death how he is: unavoidable. But in the older age I think I also will be afraid of dieing like the most people, because it’s normal that human beings fear foreign things like the life after death.

Finally nobody knows what’s after life. Not even the church or the religion can give us exactly answers about this topic. They only can establish theses, which satisfy our curiosity or fear of death.

2 Kommentare:

Guenter hat gesagt…

raise = aufheben; rise = sich erheben
die - dying
religion - no article here!
opinion or belief / faith?
"but when I'm older "
no article with "most": most people, in most cases, ...
"life after death" - no article
we fear "the unknown" - that's better than using "foreign things"
"exact answers" - adjective before noun
Be careful with the tenses!
- fairly fluent, but quite a few mistakes. And you have vocabulary problems too. The dictionary is not always a reliable help. It's better to learn the words.

Guenter hat gesagt…

Be careful with the definite article. English has partly different rules to German here!