Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2007

test correction

Task 1

Dear Tobias

I saw a picture of Norman Rockwell last week, which socked me. It depicts the contrast between black and white people. On the left side there are two white men and behind them a little black girl. On the right side you can also see two men with white skin. At the top you can find the graffiti “Niggers” on the wall. You can’t see the heads of the men, but they wear a band around their arm, on which it says Demphy US Marshall. The men in front are dressed in a brown and a white suit like the men behind. In the centre the wall is dirty, because of a smashed tomato, which lies on the street.

I think the artist creates a quite extreme mood. He wants to show us that black people can never be like white people, although their character is the same. The artist is trying to convey that this conflict will affect the next generation and the next. He seems to believe that the conflict will never end. But I disagree. Our generation can solve this problem, but at the moment it doesn’t looks like this. The racists are getting more and the solidarity in our time isn’t important at all. We have to accept the people how they are: black or white, Christian or Muslim, fat or thin. Only the character of the people is important

Yours Alban

Task 2

For me pictures like this ore definitely no art. Maybe the contrast between the red shovel and the dress of the woman looks good, but you still can’t consider it art. Art must be a masterpiece which not everybody can create. Something like Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Art has to be practised for a long time. You can’t make a simple brush stroke and call it art, but a well composed photo could be called art. With photos like this the museum in which it’s exhibited or the photographer only wants to provoke. Under no circumstances would I buy such a photo. The painter should be creative and shouldn’t produce rubbish like this photo.

To sum you can’t call simple pictures art, because the maker has to have skills to make masterpieces of art

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