Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008

Paragraph: lifestyle

There are different aspects of my outlook on life.

I’m only 17 years old, but I have already made important decisions, but most of the decisions were made by other people in the childhood, upbringing, and education, such as my parents or teachers.

In puberty I discovered different perspectives of life and had made good and bad experiences with certain youth groups. Particularly the opinions of my friends became much more important for me. In secondary general school the peer groups exerted a huge pressure on the pupils. So these groups determined your lifestyle, but the elder you get the more you decide on your own. In most cases you join another lifestyle later. Only a minority stick to their outlook they had as teenagers. I for example was really committed to the Hip-Hop scene and their ideas, but now I see advantages and disadvantages in it. I don’t follow this interpretation of lifestyle any more.

Another very important point is music, but music is not only rhythm, beat or a voice. Music is lifestyle and an important part of identification of every youth group. My preferred kind of music was Hip-Hop and in my case music was - next to football - also an access to friendships. I liked the beats and was always looking forward to the latest tracks of my favourite artists. They were idols for my friends and me and we tried to imitate them in form of the same clothes and behaviour.

And so I come to the point of my lifestyle experiences.

The highlight of my lifestyle activities as a teenager was in elementary school where my friends and I were all dressed in similar clothes like every youth group such as the Punks, Goths or Emos. In the free time every group hang out in a certain place and nobody came into conflict with another group, but in school many confrontations took place between the “gangs”.

Not only friends, but also parents, examples and even teachers influence part of my lifestyle. In my opinion the upbringing is the most important factor for the future of a child. Obviously the efficiency of your parents’ style of education has such a great impression on your character that it will have a huge effect on your way of living your whole life. The teachers and the idols impact your life only in single parts, but parents accompany and influence you until you’re an independent adult.

My outlook on life will change with age and I hope in the right way.

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