Dienstag, 20. Mai 2008


Essay writing

Nowadays it’s normal to see a killer burning out eyeballs or cutting off fingers of someone. In previous decades it was even shocking when you see someone getting shot. Is such brutal entertainment necessary and what is the use of the brutality?

According to the scientist Michael Medved there are four lies of the producers of such violent films! First of all it is claimed that bloody films are only harmless entertainment. On the one hand most people are not influenced by such films, but on the other hand there is a small percentage, who imitates the killers of the movies and so a lie. Only one copycat killer is one too many. I completely agree with Michael Medved and his opinion about that lie, but the second lie which says that the people don’t want to watch horror and war movies I don’t agree with.

Movies can’t be the only reason why there is violence! The common belief is that there are three reasons why our society is so violent. The first one claims that violence is an instinct we have since we were born. The only way to stop the violence is to relieve it for instance by taking part in sport competitions. The second reason is that we learn violence through movies or in our environment. But these aggressions shouldn’t be acted out on human beings. And the third reason is frustration. The whole day we are influenced trifles which o on our nerves. Altogether we are surrounded by violence the whole day, however, the solution is the right way to act it out.

There always will be violence in our society, but our children ought to be protected as much as possible. A proposal for this is the UK classification, which forbids children to see horror movies. Every film have such a classification, but experts argue that the classification is too strict, which I can’t agree with. Finally the parents have the most important influence. They choose how long the children are allowed to be awake and what movies they are allowed to watch.

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