Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2008





You can change your body in a way you like it

A real body can’t be art – because it’s not an object

Decision of your own – (to change one’s body)

The body has special attraction to produce art – because the body is like a special canvas

You destroy your body because art shouldn’t damage your body

Accept your body

natural beauty to a body which you should accept

You can improve yourself (ugly into beautiful)

Temporary permanent – because you can delete a picture, but not a body

It’s not a problem if you change your body in a slight way – don’t exaggerate it !

because it’s unhealthy in most cases

It’s art which you can show everybody and anytime you want

Everybody is an unique, there must be a reason why you look ugly / beautiful

You can’t turn back time to look like before

The whole body is an art object

Maybe you loose your personality, your identity, when you want a nose like DA Vinci’s Mona Lisa or eyes like Julia Roberts.

It’s your own opinion if you want to change your body or not

Plastic surgeon is accepted, because it’s seen as a kind of art

Can be dangerous or harmful (e.g. with plastic surgery)

You shouldn’t be too young

Freitag, 21. November 2008


Country/city life

We life in a time were the most people move into the cities and hope to find a job or a better life than on the country. On the other hand the elder people, who live in town, complain about the stressful life and want to enjoy the peaceful life on country. What are the pro and cons of city and country life?

Primarily the advantage of city life is that you have a great choice, doesn’t matter if you are in the bakery, in the supermarket or by barber shops. That makes the life faster. You can reach everything you want in a few minutes, that’s good, but also the reason for the stress everyone is talking about. For younger sociable people the parties, the smoky air and the speedy life are no problem, but the pensioners for example have difficulties and spend all the time in their apartment. And the only time the city is reasonably calm you can’t spend the time outside, because of the violence in different areas.

On country life people have to accept more corporal work ass well as the investigation of more time for daily things like shopping. That poses a huge problem especially for older and single persons and makes the life burdensome. However, many people agree to the hard terms so that they can enjoy the fresh air and the wonderful scenery.

In my opinion the city offers more attractions for young people like me. I never lived in a city and would like to experience the life there. If I’m older I will prefer a house in a quiet and peaceful area, but in near future I want to discover the world and therefore I will travel to Vienna.

Altogether it’s a matter of opinion where you want to live. Everybody has his own advantages and disadvantages which he/she ought to use. But consider, anything what counts is that you are happy!

Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008

Paragraph: lifestyle

There are different aspects of my outlook on life.

I’m only 17 years old, but I have already made important decisions, but most of the decisions were made by other people in the childhood, upbringing, and education, such as my parents or teachers.

In puberty I discovered different perspectives of life and had made good and bad experiences with certain youth groups. Particularly the opinions of my friends became much more important for me. In secondary general school the peer groups exerted a huge pressure on the pupils. So these groups determined your lifestyle, but the elder you get the more you decide on your own. In most cases you join another lifestyle later. Only a minority stick to their outlook they had as teenagers. I for example was really committed to the Hip-Hop scene and their ideas, but now I see advantages and disadvantages in it. I don’t follow this interpretation of lifestyle any more.

Another very important point is music, but music is not only rhythm, beat or a voice. Music is lifestyle and an important part of identification of every youth group. My preferred kind of music was Hip-Hop and in my case music was - next to football - also an access to friendships. I liked the beats and was always looking forward to the latest tracks of my favourite artists. They were idols for my friends and me and we tried to imitate them in form of the same clothes and behaviour.

And so I come to the point of my lifestyle experiences.

The highlight of my lifestyle activities as a teenager was in elementary school where my friends and I were all dressed in similar clothes like every youth group such as the Punks, Goths or Emos. In the free time every group hang out in a certain place and nobody came into conflict with another group, but in school many confrontations took place between the “gangs”.

Not only friends, but also parents, examples and even teachers influence part of my lifestyle. In my opinion the upbringing is the most important factor for the future of a child. Obviously the efficiency of your parents’ style of education has such a great impression on your character that it will have a huge effect on your way of living your whole life. The teachers and the idols impact your life only in single parts, but parents accompany and influence you until you’re an independent adult.

My outlook on life will change with age and I hope in the right way.

Dienstag, 20. Mai 2008


Essay writing

Nowadays it’s normal to see a killer burning out eyeballs or cutting off fingers of someone. In previous decades it was even shocking when you see someone getting shot. Is such brutal entertainment necessary and what is the use of the brutality?

According to the scientist Michael Medved there are four lies of the producers of such violent films! First of all it is claimed that bloody films are only harmless entertainment. On the one hand most people are not influenced by such films, but on the other hand there is a small percentage, who imitates the killers of the movies and so a lie. Only one copycat killer is one too many. I completely agree with Michael Medved and his opinion about that lie, but the second lie which says that the people don’t want to watch horror and war movies I don’t agree with.

Movies can’t be the only reason why there is violence! The common belief is that there are three reasons why our society is so violent. The first one claims that violence is an instinct we have since we were born. The only way to stop the violence is to relieve it for instance by taking part in sport competitions. The second reason is that we learn violence through movies or in our environment. But these aggressions shouldn’t be acted out on human beings. And the third reason is frustration. The whole day we are influenced trifles which o on our nerves. Altogether we are surrounded by violence the whole day, however, the solution is the right way to act it out.

There always will be violence in our society, but our children ought to be protected as much as possible. A proposal for this is the UK classification, which forbids children to see horror movies. Every film have such a classification, but experts argue that the classification is too strict, which I can’t agree with. Finally the parents have the most important influence. They choose how long the children are allowed to be awake and what movies they are allowed to watch.

Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008

Review of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”

The novel “The perks of being a wallflower” written by Stephen Chbosky describes a school year of a 15 year old boy named Charlie. He writes letters to an anonymous person about his fears and thoughts about friends, sex, love, alcohol, drugs and the conflict he has in the new high school. The plot takes place in the years 1991 and 1992 in an outskirt of Pittsburgh.

The book is a masterpiece of the author although there are many books describing the growing up of a teenager. The whole novel consists of letters Charlie is writing during the time of his first high school year. He can’t approach anyone and he has to go alone to the first year of high school. In the beginning he is in a depressing mood, because of the death of Charlie’s aunt Helen and his best friend Michael, but when Charlie meets his new friends and his love during the novel his mood turns better and better. Charlie describes his feelings so well in his letters that you can easily share them. At first Charlie does not take much interest in his environment because he is very shy and emotional, but during the novel and the time with Sam and Patrick he collects experiences with girls and how they act. I like the way Charlie acts even though he is a little bit too emotional and cries a lot. Finally the book is an outstanding example how stories about teenager and their problems should be written.


Describing Charlie

Charlie is a 15 year old teenager who makes his first experiences with alcohol, drugs, relationships and sex.

At the beginning of the novel Charlie’s best friend Michael commits suicide and now Charlie has to go to high school without any friend. He is a very shy and emotional guy, but upon the advice of his English teacher, who will be a very good friend of Charlie later, he gets to know some people at a football match. Charlie cottons on to Patrick and his step-sister Sam, although they are older than him. After a while he feels growing emotions for Sam but he can’t show her his feelings. Mary Elisabeth, whom he has met via the magazine “Punky Rocky”, begins to date Charlie and he makes his first experience with sex. During their one-sided relationship it is Mary Elisabeth talking all the time. Charlie is only the passive part. Patrick is his best male friend although he is gay. He helps Charlie in difficult situations in which he doesn’t know what to do, for instance when Charlie should kiss the prettiest girl in the room and he kissed Sam and not Mary Elisabeth. After such shocking situations Charlie always begins to cry. He doesn’t know what to do and then it’s good to have a friend like Patrick who has more experience with such things. As time goes by Charlie doesn’t meet his friends any more except Patrick. He falls into deep depressions and cries a lot, like every time when it gets too sentimental for him. The whole novel is an up and down of Charlie’s feelings.


Freitag, 22. Februar 2008

Essey about violence in movies

Nowadays it’s normal to watch horror films even as a teenager. Many films are very cruel and not made for young people, although they are the vast majority of the audience. Should we ban movies, which show brutal scenes?

Supporters say that people don’t get violent because of such films, but we know that every action in our life influences the subconscious. Therefore we should look after what and how long we watch films. I mean it can’t be good for people to spend hours of hours in front of the television and watch bloody scenes. I cannot fancy that the films with cruel sequences don’t hebetate persons.

Surely, society is also violent without films like “Natural Born Killers” or “Kill Bill”, but it gives always individual cases in which psychos will imitate what they have seen in movies. Time and again you can read in the newspapers that people began to kill after they have seen horror films. I don’t no the exactly number of amok running people in the USA, but the number increases year by year and even one person is killed in the case of a horror film it is too much.

At times a brutal or cruel scene makes the film more thrilling, but the producers more and more go over the top and want to provoke and make the people intrigue with their massacres.

The horror films surely will not be banished by the film industry, but the age-limit should be more strictly anyway because Kids and teenagers are influenceable. An adult will discern good and evil, therefore it will not be so dangerous for him. But many children spend the afternoons without a control at home, so it is possible for them to watch horror movies. A blockade of the television or the DVD player is mostly difficult because the Kids know the technical systems quiet better than there parents.

Finally everybody must make his/her own decision, but the Kids have to be secured so I am against such brutal films and want to prohibit incidences.