Sonntag, 29. März 2009

English correction

Foreigners or people with another skin-color live in nearly every country. I think prejudice and discrimination cause problems in society and also for the individuals. Policy is powerful enough to set different measures against prejudice and discrimination.
I want to prove this by looking at the dangers and disadvantages for society. The greatest problems occur in the cities, where many people live close together. Often there are slums in which only minorities or foreigners live. You can see it in America, where gang wars determine daily life of those people who live in ghettos. Another point is the two class society in which only the superior class has important rights. For example in the USA in the 1950’s to 1960’s only the white people were allowed to vote. But Martin Luther King and Malcom X, who enforced their rights against racism in different ways, caused a change in the society. Now the people in USA, regardless of which skin color, have the same rights.
I adduce evidence that the dangers and disadvantages for the individual are particular seriously. Every person should have the right to go out whenever or wherever he/she wants to, but in some areas you can’t go as a white person because only criminal blacks are there and control the area. But that’s a vicious circle, because blacks have no chance to rise in the white-people society and remain in their “ghettos”. The black people also have other massive problems in the daily life. For example in a coffee shop it’s not certain that you are served as a black man/woman. When an Afro American becomes a lawyer he is not automatically respected by others. Occasionally they have problems to find work particularly in “white areas”.
It will need a couple of years to solve this problem. So I list some possible measures against prejudice and discrimination. Only the state has enough power to help the people for a peaceful life without racism. So it’s useful to have black senators or even a black president. The best example is the USA, where the elected president Barack Obama is the first black man in this post. He can change the situation in consideration of racism in the USA. Although he has other problems to solve he should help the people who suffer from discrimination with the aid of political rehabilitation.
To conclude I think we should set goals against this problem in Austria as well, because racism is not only a result of different skin colors, but rather religious reasons. For a peaceful interaction between people it’s very important to respect the people how they are and judge only the character and not the appearance.

Freitag, 27. Februar 2009

Opinion essay
Why is it important to stay informed?

In a world of control information play a very important role. How relevant are this information for every single person and what are the different functions of TV, newspapers…. Does information help us in our daily life and why ought people to be informed?
At first I want to write about the social aspect. Under different living circumstances it’s unimportant to be informed about things which happened for example last week in Israel or who won the Oscar for best actor, but in schools or universities there are many discussions about political affairs or important events, because people need information for their studies. However, it seems that only meaningful information can help you, but information from popular news can also be very interesting. They can help you to communicate with other people without getting too personal. So they are useful for finding friends or other social contacts.
Secondly I want to show my own relation to information. For me it’s always important to stay informed. I need information in school where the teachers give you marks for your knowledge. And I often discuss with my immigrant friends about problems in their countries. Furthermore, I’m not only staying informed because of this. I want to know what’s going on in the world and probably I am able to reconsider doubtful opinions. More information means fewer misunderstandings. For instance almost all disputes arising are based on incorrect information.
Next I want to present how information influences democracy and how the countries use the TV, newspapers and other information sources for their intentions. Politicians use TV advertisements for example with elections. In the USA millions and millions of dollars were spent for the election campaign in 2008 and those who made the better campaign won. So in this case informing the citizens plays a very important role. Not only in democracies but even more in dictatorships information is essential for the leading groups. It is called Propaganda, if they spread rumors and tell lies. For instance the Nazis in Germany used their Propaganda to convince the people of their values and agitate them against minorities and undesirable foreigners.
To conclude, information is very important for communication, for yourself, and not at least for the democracy we live in, but we have to consider what is true and what is false. That means, you should try to obtain more than one opinion and create a logical result. So be aware of manipulation.

Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2009

You can see movements on the graph, which describe the electricity tariff sine 1970 until 2006. In the beginning the price was at 6 cent/kWh and has and steady upward trend over the period. In the year of 1989 the price soars from 12,5 to 15 cent/kWh, but stabilizes in the period between 1990 and 2000. Afterwards the movement takes a significant upward trend till 2006. Now we know that the movement will follow a decreasing trend because of the economic problems all over the world.

Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2009

Reiterweg 125a


Mr. Steven Hosley

Greenpulm Hospital Kambotscha

78 Ceasarchest Avenue

Hitchester, FG 0856260


Dear Mr. Steven Hosley

Application for the doctor position

I read about the free doctor position in the newspaper and thought it would be the right job for me. Although I can’t speak your language perfectly I easily meet the requirements. Among other things I have experience with stressful jobs, sick persons and long work times. I made my education in Austria and learned many things, which are requested in this job:

I successfully studied in Vienna and absolved one practise year.

I learned the general medicine and finally specialized in internal medicine.

I worked in many hospitals like Westendstate hospital as surgeon and spent the most time in emergency room.

I look forward to hear from you and would welcome the opportunity to discuss my application in a personal conversation with you.

Yours sincerely,

Carl Hushingham

Dienstag, 6. Januar 2009


Pro/con essay

“Struggle for beauty”

In our time people should be judged by their achievements and not because of appearance. Nevertheless, more and more people, especially women tend to do all for their body, even plastic surgery. And teenagers, who are influenced by parents and idols, want the latest fashion or plastic surgeries at Christmas. Also the media influence the people strongly with the beautiful women and men you can see on the TV. You will never see an ugly person in commercials. Most people don’t know that you have to pay a price for such beauty. So there are advantages and disadvantages, which I want to present.

There are some important disadvantages to this struggle. At first there is the problem with the accidents, which happen frequently. Often scars remain from botched plastic surgery or you get other bodily harm. It can even lead to death. You shouldn’t undervalue this risk particularly if you get operated by a doctor you don’t know. But not only plastic surgeries contain problems. Also simple diets can lead to diseases and agony for example anorexia or bulimia. Particularly young female teenagers tend to get thinner. Often they don’t know that they have a serious problem with their body.

In contrast, the struggle for beauty has many advantages. The fact that you are accepted and integrated for instance at work is an important point for many people to take this struggle. But you also get more self confidence, which you need in competition at work or in personal things. So beauty affects job-related as well as personal success. In this regard beauty pays. Another point is that disfigurations can be removed. For example after a car accident often scars remain and plastic surgeries can help, so that the concerned person will be able to live a normal life. Also obese people have this problem. They are not appreciated in society although they have the same skills like thin people except in sport. They can benefit from diets or plastic surgeries so that they have no disadvantages in society.

In my point of view struggle of beauty is a complex of human society, but if you do it in a certain measure it’s not harmful. So the measure of practice and in which cases you use it is the important point.

To conclude, people shouldn’t exaggerate with the struggle of beauty because it’s not necessary. The most important thing is not the appearance but rather the personal qualities.